Life in Teaching @ Pasar Lama 1

Weeks of Teaching

Yes, it’s me again…
So this is the continuation of my practice teaching in SDN-SN Pasar Lama 1. I just want to tell you the summary of my practice teaching up to the evaluation day.
Actually, I made 4 lesson plans and I used them all in teaching days in Pasar Lama 1. And in doing this lesson plan, I learned how to budget my time in teaching, what are the things that I should highlights most and give emphasis to my pupils. The pupils are all participating in our discussion especially when Dr. Fifi (My supervisor from ULM) unexpectedly visits me to observe in class and to know how do I teach.
*My Class with my Mentor and Supervisor*

So I was totally nervous by that time, I am so blessed because I usually settle everything before going to school. The day that Dr. Fifi observed me was 1st of February. As I said, my pupils are all active to participate with our discussion which is Adding Fraction. But I had the trouble of executing my lessons when it comes to communicating to my pupils because they are not proficient when it comes to speaking in English. So they just have to answer me “yes”, “no” or “okay” even if my questions that starts with how and why. Sometimes they use body language for me to understand them and I really appreciated their effort trying hard to make me understand what they are trying to point out. So my solution was, learn their language for me to become an effective teacher to them.
Of course, I don’t want you to miss the most fulfilling moment I had in my teaching weeks. This is when I was being evaluated by my mentor and supervisor. So I presented 2 sub-team in 75 minutes, it feels like I’m hitting two birds in one stone.

*Teaching my pupils a dance*

*When teaching my pupils in my evaluation*

 At first, I was really nervous and wondering how can I pass this, there’s a lot of things coming out on my mind like “Do my pupils will understand me or even get what I’m teaching them?” Nothing is impossible with the faith and trust to the Lord. Because we can do all things through him. And guess what? I finished it successfully, my pupils are so great during my evaluation and my two thumbs up are not enough to repay them. I also experienced to be with my pupils and mentor in their educational tour in the two historical museum.


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