First Ride, First Trip

Every journey has a great beginning and a painful ending.


I’m Khryss Anne Joyce G. Ungria from Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga, Philippines. I am one of the participant of SEA-Teacher Batch 7 at Lambung Mangkurat University. First, I will tell you my journey on my way to Banjarmasin.

@NAIA Terminal 3

Take off.... 
Nervous, excited, scared, and happy? those are just some of the feelings I felt when I’m about to go to Banjarmasin. On the 12th of January 2019, we are about to fly to Jakarta at Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2 with my schoolmate at PSAU, I found it quite boring when we arrived in the airport because we waited too long as we have our early checked in. But the good thing is, I felt so excited to meet all of the staffs, buddies and my Co- SEA-Teachers who are in the host university.I find it hard to ride into an airplane at the first time, and it is quite exciting to fly high and see the lights at night. 

1:00 a.m. of January 13, 2019, we arrived at Soekarno Hatta International Airport and it really different from Philippines. We have to change our money into Rupiah, I was so shocked to have 1.3 Million Rp because in Philippines that money will means a lot for us. After that, we ride in a taxi named Blue Bird to go to Terminal 1A. We have our layover for 3 hours in the terminal 1A. 
Here I come. :)

Its kind a great experience.. 
Upon waiting in Terminal 1A, I want to buy food but the problem is the vendor are not getting what I’m saying, so I just go back to my seat and let it my hunger eats me. At last! I heard the announcer said “Perhatian, para penumpangpesawat Lion Air dengannomorpenerbangan JT 0320 tujuan Banjarmasin dipersilahkannaikkepesawatudaramelaluipintu A5”. 

I experienced to ride a bus for us to reach the plane on the way to Syamsuddin Noor Airport. At 7:00 a.m. in the morning we arrived at Banjarmasin Airport, Mr. Edwar

Saputra and Buddy Danny pick us up. On our way to Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, we ate in KFC with them and it was so surprising that they are not using spoon and fork for eating and it was not unlimited gravy but unlimited chili sauce. After eating, we went to our dormitory and it makes me feel happy to meet all the people that we will be with for almost a month.


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